JLPT N1, is the highest certificate of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test.
To pass JLPT N1, you must master a total of 2136 Japanese kanjis. This corresponds to what Japanese children lean throughout their compulsory education, primary and secondary school. It take a Japanese 9 years to learn. For an ordinary non-Japanese person, it will obviously take some years to master.
Memorizeitall offer an efficient way for memorizing kanjis. Memorizeitall also offer you an efficient way of memorizing, shortening the time it take you to memorize each kanji.
Needless to say, vocabulary is a huge part of mastering a language. At this moment, Memorizeitall does not offer any specific content related to Japanese vocabulary, but the good thing about Memorizeitall is that you can create your own content. So upgrade to pro user, and create as much content as you like.
To be certified with JLPT N1 it is expected you can read text with a certain complexity and a variety of topics.
Memorizeitall do not yet offer any reading content except for the kanjis, but we are working on offering a comprehensive content.
For JLPT N1 level, you are expected being able to comprehend orally presented materials such as conversations, news reports, and lectures.
Memorizeitall do not yet offer any content for listening in relation to JLPT N1. We do however plan to release content for listening on all 5 JLPT levels.
Test your skills
Use Memorizeitall to test your skills for JLPT N1 to N5, hiragana, katakana and other Japanese language skills.
We have plenty of contents related to Japanese language. Each of the content can be memorized / taken separately, so you will get a good idea of your level.