About Memorizeitall
Company information:
Company name: Memorizeitall
Address: 2-2-15, 2F, Hamamatsu-cho,
Minato-ku Tokyo 105-0013, Japan
Phone: +81-(0)80-7797-5296
Fax: +81-(0)3-6737-8849
Web: https://www.memorizeitall.com
Email: info@memorizeitall.email
Owner: Kim Christian Botho Pedersen
Established: November 2019
Company history:
2000 – The first memorizing software developed by Kim Christian Botho Pedersen. Purpose was to memorize Japanese characters. First version was able to handle questions and answers with text only.
2005 – The memorizing software further developed to handle pictures.
2019 – The idea of developing the software to the most efficient memorizing tool arose. For the technical part, tie up with a professional developer, started in June 2019.
2019 – The apps name was decided to Memorizeitall
2021 – November – The app was officially launched.
2022– Exhibited at EDIX 2022 Tokyo